Use these strategies to build up your credit and gain the trust of lenders Your personal and business credit scores are important factors a banker will consider when you apply for a business loan. While your business’s financial strength is important, a bank will also look at your personal credit score when deciding whether or not […]
Discounts for paying your bills early
When does it make (cents) to pay early? Businesses often offer discounts to customers who pay their bills early. Does it make financial sense to take advantage of these discounts? The answer is usually yes. They can actually be very lucrative for your business and justify using your extra cash or borrowing to take advantage […]
Financial dashboards
Find out how your business is doing and quickly reveal variations that might require corrective action with these important indicators. Monitoring your cash flow is one of the best ways to improve the financial health of your business. It could mean the difference between going through some financial bumps and having to close your business. […]
5 steps to plan your cash flow in 2020
Financial projections will help you anticipate your cash flow needs It’s the start of a new year, and you’ve got big plans for your company—an expansion or a major equipment purchase. How will your plans affect your cash flow? Will you need financing, and if so how much? These are typical questions to ask as […]